


Carl Jung Depth Psychology: Posts selections from Jung and related writers
Carl Jung Resources: Introduction to Jung's ideas, along with extensive resources
Centre for Applied Jungian Studies (CAJAS): Courses, articles, etc. with a practical approach
Depth Psychology Alliance: Community for people interested in depth psychology (Jung)
Frith Luthon: Analyst Frith Luthon's articles and other resources on analytical psychology
International Association for Analytical Psychology (IAAP): academic articles on Jung Analyst J. Gary Sparks page of writings and a study guide
John Ryan Haule: Psychotherapist John Ryan Haule writings on Jung Articles and links on Jung
Jung Currents: Art and writings on Jung
Jung Lexicon: Glossary of Jungian concepts
The Jung Page: Scholarly articles about analytical psychology
Jung and Pauli: Resources on the relationship between CG Jung and physicist Wolfgang Pauli
Jung and the Kabbalah: Dr. Sanford L. Drob's page on Jung and Jewish mysticism
The Jung Society of Utah: Lectures, workshops, and education on Jung
Jung Society of Washington: Offers programs, classes, speakers, online media, etc.
Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies (JSSS): Conferences and journal on Jung, academic
Jungian Techniques: Page mostly of Jung resources on other sites, but also some original work
Jungian Therapy: Writings by analyst Max McDowell
Philemon Foundation: A non-profit organization dedicated to making Jung's works available
Self Realization: (Jenna Lilla): Sacred art and musings
Soul Spelunker: Soulful analyses of Jungian concepts
The Society of Analytical Psychology (SAP): Blog, education, and resources on Jung


16 Personalities: Pretty extensive portraits of the types but not based on Jung's concepts
Best Fit Type: Linda Behrens work on temperaments and interaction styles
C.S. Joseph: Extensive YouTube videos; can be a bit abrasive but very knowledgeable
Michael Pierce: Deeply insightful YouTube series; somewhat soporific
Personality Club: Some useful info from a mysterious INTJ (I can't find his name)
Personality Hacker: Accessible, easily digestible, but disorganized and a bit shallow
Personality Junkie: Very dense and analytical; a lot on INTPs
Personality Type In Depth: "Bridges the gap between personality type and depth psychology"
Practical Insights of Analytical Psychology (Steve Myers): Jungian typology
Psychology Junkie: Another basic MBTI site, also has info on the Enneagram
r/MBTI: Reddit page on MBTI; Information on Socionics, focusing on relationships, including a dating service Comprehensive information on Socionics basics
Truity: Similar to 16 Personalities; lots of info but a bit inaccurate since no basis in Jung
WikiSocion: Socionics wiki

Unfortunately, notable psychiatrist and the originator of the 8 Function Model, Dr. John Beebe, doesn't have a central online presence. He wrote some articles on Personalty Type in Depth and has a few scattered articles, books, etc. (below):

Book: Energies and Patterns in Psychological Type
CG Jung Institute of Chicago lectures
Evolving the Eight-function Model
A Jungian Analyst Talks About Psychological Types
Personality Type in Depth articles


Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism (ARAS): Archive of symbols
Bible Meanings: Collection of symbols and their meanings in the Bible
Cabinet des Fees: Online journal of fairy tales
Dictionary of Symbolism: Self-explanatory
Dr. Michael Lennox 's Dream Dictionary: Self-explanatory
Folklore and Mythology Electronic Texts: Collection of fairy tales and myths from around the world
Grimms Fairy Tales: Collection of Grimms fairy tales
Medieval Bestiary: Symbolism of animals in Medieval church architecture
Native American Indian Legends and Folklore: Self-explanatory
SurLaLune Fairy Tales: Collection of annotated fairy tales
Symbol Dictionary: Self-explanatory
Symbol Reader: Blog focusing on exploring the deep meanings of various symbols


Alchemical Studies, online PDF of book by CG Jung
The Alchemy Website: A very comprehensive dive into alchemy by Adam McLean
The Alchemy Website (Levity): Another comprehensive site on alchemy, includes courses
Alchemy: An Introduction to the Symbolism and the Psychology, online PDF of book by noted Jungian analyst Marie-Louise von Franz

The Occult

Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa: Of Occult Philosophy: Full book online
Hermetic Kabbalah: Site about various Gnostic religions
History of Hermetic Philosophy: Academic institution specializing in esotericism


Dreamhawk: Tony Crisp's site about dreams, health, yoga, and spirituality
Byron Katie's "The Work": Spiritual practice on bringing awareness to your feelings


Depth Psychology Alliance: Forum and community for people interested in Jung, Freud, etc.
Personality Cafe: Forum for MBTI, Socionics, Enneagram, and some others
Useless Science: Appears to not have been active since 2015 but who knows


Carl Jung - Face to Face [BBC 1959]: Interview with Jung
Man and His Symbols: A reading of Jung's famous primer on his theory
Popular Videos - Marie Louise von Franz: Series; videos about MLvF
Crash Course Mythology Series: Series; very entertaining videos about mythology


Jungian's Podcast: by practicing analyst and lecturer John Betts
Jugianthology: podcast of audio recordings of lectures of the CG Jung Institute of Chicago
Speaking of Jung: interviews with Jungian analysts, by Laura London


Zombies Ruin Everything: Not all about MBTI, but here's this guy's cranky and hilarious MBTI stuff


Inner City Books: Publishing house specializing in Jungian psychology, by analyst Daryl Sharp
The C.G. Jung Foundation Book Service: The very excellent bookstore of my local Jung institute

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