Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Dark Animus or bright?

Within her, the Animus possessed woman has two opposing forces, being the Animus and the negative Anima (her inferior shadow perception of herself). These two forces in her can balance each other out by pitching them against each other.
Let the dark animus fight with the shadow.

The reason the anima of the animus is the same as one's shadow is because it calls in the bright side of the animus. As long as one is consciously involved with the dark animus, the bright animus can't reach you. He stays in the unconscious, being tormented by your shadow as you are tormented by the dark animus.



  1. I understand how the Ego's gender has its corresponding subconscious Animus/Anima, but the Animus/Anima having their own corresponding Anima/Animus, totally confuses me. It doesn't make sense to me.

    1. It's a bit esoteric, but the animus has an anima, and vice versa. You see this most clearly in fairy tales; the hero goes off on a quest, finds a princess under the spell of a troll or an evil magician so that she murders her lovers and the hero's job is to rescue the princess from the bad guy. The princess is the anima and the bad guy is *her* animus. You also see this in the Red Book: Salome is Jung's anima, and the wise old man is *her* animus.

      This is kind of a big topic to get into. I think I will write a blog post to explore the topic in more detail. :)
