Wednesday, October 12, 2016

The piggish, Trumpian animus

Overeating, bulimia, and other eating disorders are the woman's reaction to the internalized bad father. She wants to nourish herself, feed herself. To give life and love to herself (that's what the kitchen is in the unconscious; the place where nourishment is made by someone's hands, with their love).

This is why so many women have emotional and digestive disorders. The only way for the feminine to fight this aspect of the masculine is to pull away from it, to abandon him, to deprive him of any sustenance. It's why he's so ravenous, so rape-full of everything he desires, like a piggishly greedy spoiled little boy. This is why such men are insatiable in their childish neediness; they get no real nourishment. Like irate babies they fling their food on the floor and scream and throw temper tantrums. What need did they never get fulfilled, that they scour the earth hungrily for anything to stem the tide of hunger that gnaws at their ribs, any sort of satisfaction, even if it’s only temporary (satisfaction that he, of course, denies her.) Not that he consciously denies her (although sometimes he does), it’s more that he neither knows nor cares what she thinks, because he neither knows nor cares what anyone thinks about him. He is one of those ones who deep inside is a retarded, shit covered little child, alone in the center of a vast, empty nothingness. This is why they do what they do. The only possible solution is to create a world in which they never have the ability to hurt others or to cause them any suffering. Maybe they can be reached, maybe they can't. But they should never be free to hurt others with impunity.

It's also why we women tend to love cats and their feminine nature. A cat just wants pleasure, and maybe some affection (ok, lots of affection). To care for a cat, whether in a dream or in your life, is to care for your sensual, affectionate, pleasure-loving femininity. It’s very healing, especially when dealing with the brutal Animus.

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