Friday, January 26, 2018

The end of the world doesn't scare me, but it does make me sad

I've been thinking about the end of the world a lot (unsurprisingly). Scientists keep moving the date of ecological devastation from climate change closer and closer. The possibility that all the beautiful life on this planet could be destroyed is such a tragedy. Every once in a while it just hits you, how close to the edge we are.

This is one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands. It really captures this feeling. The video destroys me every time I watch it, without fail.

Sai, by Acidman

We're Now Even Closer to the Point of No Return (Esquire)
Indulge Your Existential Dread 24/7 With This Real-Time Global Warming Clock (Earther)

1 comment:

  1. I don’t think we have the power to wipe all life out of this planet, just us. The process will take time and much suffering but once we are out of the picture, things will gradually get back to their normal flow, with new species of plants and animals, while human remains will fossilize and one day unearthed by... who knows?
